Ilustratour is the main illustration festival held in Spain. Or at least that is what we all like to think as part of the organization party: organization, guests, partners and the hundreds of people that visit us every year. Because besides being a festival, Ilustratour is a great community that works by and for illustration.
Since the beginning in 2008, Ilustratour has grown continuously en cada edición, tanto en público como en volumen de actividades y en repercusión. HNowadays, we can say that “the history of Ilustratour” gathers a poster of many of the great names of our time in this art of telling things through images, artists like Kveta Packovska, Jutta Bauer, Svjetlan Junakovic, Emilio Urberuaga, Lisbeth Zwerger, Satoshi Kitamura, Tony Ross, Rebecca Dautremer, Elisa Arguilé, Elena Odriozola, Dorte Karrebaek & Ole Daalgard, Uri Shulevitz, Isidro Ferrer, Alexis Deacon, Benjamin Chaud, Hervé Tullet, Oliver Jeffers, Chris Haughton, Kitty Crowther, Axel Scheffler, David Wiesner, Puño, Marc Boutavant, Serge Bloch, Katsumi Komagata, Rotraut Susanne Berner, Max, Miguel Gallardo, Sonia Pulido, Ricardo Cavolo, Arnal Ballester or Javier Zabala, among many others.
Ilustratour is not just a trade fair or a training event. It is an artistic and cultural festival, where the creative and professional exchange, added to the celebration of culture in all aspects regarding illustration, are the main goals. The program, that may be followed both in Spanish and in English, combines workshops for illustrators with lectures for the sector and for illustration lovers, contests, professional networking meetings, exhibitions, books presentations, projections or artistic statements.
Ilustratour is made possible every year thanks to multiple partners that trust the project through small contributions and that may be accessed here.
In 2015 we celebrate the 8th edition of Ilustratour, which has already become a highlighted annual event, not only in our country, but also internationally. You can find the PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM and the OPEN PROGRAM in this website.
Journey of growth: read this self-improvement book.
After 7 years in Valladolid, Ilustratour moves to Casa del Lector, at Matadero Madrid. If you want to know more about the people behind the festival, you can find us here.
Go ahead, you are all invited. This is your home!