Exhibitions 2015


Retrospective Exhibition of Juan Varela at Mad is Mad. Meeting with the artist and portfolio viewing.

During the summer, the Mad is Mad gallery dedicates its space to a little retrospective about Juan Varela, the most well-known Spanish nature illustrator (www.juanvarela.com), that accomplishes 40 years dedicated to this work: he started in the mid 70s in the Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente Encyclopedia and has provided his drawings (and sometimes his texts, too) to 60 books. He has also been the main personality in about 40 exhibitions in oil and pastel painting, and mainly, pencil and watercolor with notes to naturalist painting.
The Mad is Mad exhibition goes further on, because it receives his newest artistic works, with a foot set on abstraction, but another foot set on his vast experience of nature illustrations.
So we celebrate his 40-year career showing the newest, but telling where do those abstract strokes come from: from the sketches of so many animals, specially birds, as he has captured traveling throughout the most stunning sceneries.

Seizing this exhibition, Mad is Mad will organize a special visit to the exhibition and a meeting with the artist.

Wednesday, July 22nd, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Visit to the exhibition and meeting with the artist Juan Varela
Mad is Mad Gallery (Pelayo St., num 48, Madrid).


Wednesday, July 22nd, from 6 pm to 8 pm
Mad is Mad Gallery (Pelayo St., num 48, Madrid).


Illustration and drawing are to be enjoyed for all, both when we look carefuly to a simple image or when we mix drawing with other artistic and cultural expressions. They inspire us and open our minds to new horizons. That’s why we have created the Open Program, with free activities and paid activities for all ages, likes and tastes.